
Department of Agronomy

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The Department of Agronomy was established in 2006 which is one of the key disciplines of the Faculty of Agriculture of Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences (LUAWMS). Department of Agronomy is focused in developing trained human resource base in conduct basic and applied research in field crop production and soil management under varying agro-ecological zones and socio-economic conditions of the Balochistan Province. The Department is continuously making progress gradually in terms of academics and research both qualitatively and quantitatively since its establishment. The department conducts problem oriented research and provides educational and research linkages for uplifting the living standards of the agricultural community in the province.

Current crop production is the application of the principles of physical, biological and social sciences for growing of domesticated plants to meet the diversity of human needs in a profitable manner. It is an unceasing challenge to increase the crop yields to remain ahead of human population increase. The vibrant process of crop production is now facing the challenge of global climatic change. Department of Agronomy also facilitates to farmers, NGOs and the relevant agro-based industry through short term training programs. The Department has well qualified and dedicated teachers. The contribution and dedication of the staff towards research is reflected though quality research papers in international peer reviewed Journals.

The department has earned a reputation for academic and research superiority. Out of 8 Faculty members, 6 Ph. D Faculty members who got their degrees from Pakistan, Canada, New Zealand, China and Sweden. The high quality of Agronomy faculty ensures high standards of teaching, research and outreach activities, which assists the students to achieve their personnel and professional goals resulting in a more meaningful service to the farming community of the province and country. Undergraduate program in the Department of Agronomy was started in 2008 and MS degree program was initiated in 2014.


  • Disseminate knowledge about crop plants to students and those involved in crop production.
  • Identify issue related to crop production and find solutions to solve these problems especially in relation to climate change


  • To produce an eminence graduate with sound knowledge and problem-solving skills.






Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rahid

Dr. Muhammad Waseem

Dr. Akram Salah

Dr. Waseem Bashir

Mr. Shahab Anwar

Mr. Muhammad Ramzan